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课程回顾  | DS202 儿童家具设计之旅

原创 2021-12-24

/ SUSTech School of Design /


The Design Adventure of 

Designing Furniture for Children


Learning to design involves many creative and technical skills, including exploration, researching, testing, observing and reflecting. In the second design studio taught at the new School of Design at SUSTech, students experienced all of these in the second year course DS202 “From 2D to 3D”. The course invited students to design three-dimensional objects from flat sheets of regular cardboard, in the shape of cardboard chairs for kindergarten age children. With the generous support of the SUSTech Affiliated Kindergarten, the School of Design's students could collaborate with 5-6 year old children in developing innovative ideas for new types of play-chairs.


The School of Design nurtures students’ creative thinking by offering rich environments in which students engage in design projects based on their own initiatives to explore, reflect on and test their ideas. Working in teams of two, the design students quickly discovered that the seemingly simple task of designing a cardboard chair for small children brought with it many challenges.


To begin the design process, students first met with their young clients, understanding children’s ergonomics to make sure the cardboard chairs would be of a suitable size, safe and comfortable to use. This phase of research offered rich opportunities to understand user needs and preferences by working directly with the children. While children are naturally explorative, playful and creative, communication did not come easy to all students: “We found it is difficult to understand children’s ideas well, but we eventually learned so many things from this experience,” commented design student Sheng Yue.


The most fruitful encounters, as design student Tang Zilu explains, are encouraged by letting go of preconceptions when aiming for creative ways of approaching a task: “I learned to interview and listen to the users’ views. The kindergarten children told me a lot about their opinions and I understood that when starting to design, I should not approach a task with predetermined expectations. I did not ask children to draw the chair they wanted, but to draw what they love. From this, we got many interesting pictures. They were not chairs but they gave me a lot of inspiration.”


At the same time, students studied technical aspects of working with cardboard, experimenting with ways to build interesting and playful yet structurally strong shapes from flat sheets. Researching the material properties of cardboard, students learned about the environmental impact of cardboard production and related carbon emissions, but also about its advantages as a recyclable material and its role in the packaging industry. Students quickly developed small models illustrating their design ideas at smaller scales and brought these back to the SUSTech Affiliated Kindergarten to discuss with the children, who again gave new and unexpected comments on how to improve the models further.



The intense course moved at a quick pace, and the final presentation of the cardboard chairs took place after only 24 days. The design students dedicated much effort to making the full scale chairs, with special attention to effective material use and well-crafted connections. “The process of cutting cardboard to make the 1:1 scale chair was the most memorable aspect of the studio,” explains student Zhang Yijing. “During this process, we met challenging problems that we did not consider initially. After doing some tests, we finally found ways to make it work, which made us  very happy.”


The final review of the cardboard chairs took place at the SUSTech Affiliated Kindergarten, where design students, kindergarten children and kindergarten teachers all joined into the chair testing and discussion. The children enthusiastically tried out the different cardboard chairs and surprised the students by using them in playful and surprising ways. While some of the chairs were too delicate to handle the impact of children’s energetic play, the design students still understood this as a very valuable learning experience. The wide smiles of over 90 children were a very special reward for students and teachers alike. We hope that some of these children will remember this joyful creative experience and may become interested in design in the future!


We would like to express our special gratitude to Ms. Shao Xiao, Director of the SUSTech Affiliated Kindergarten and her team for supporting this project. In particular, we thank the enthusiastic children of the SUSTech Affiliated Kindergarten for offering very creative ideas and delightful curiosity!

【设计学院学生 | Design Students】:胡泓毅、白钰溦、高缘、许彤、盛玥、邓訸心、唐子麓、张奕静、韩远凝、许潆心、李衔、张紫陌、胡城玮、薛仁超、闫思源、蒋含熙、梁万生。(HU Hongyi and BAI Yuwei, GAO Yuan and XU Tong, SHENG Yue and DENG Hexin, Tang Zilu and ZHANG Yijing, HAN Yuanning and XU Yingxin, LI Xian and ZHANG Zimo, HU Chengwei and XUE Renchao, YAN Siyuan and Jiang Hanxi, LIANG Wansheng and QIU Guo)

【指导老师 | Tutor】:何净植 (Christiane M. Herr)

【文字 | Written by】:何净植,张文康

【审核 | Reviewed by】:李旭


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