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沉痛悼念我院设计实践教授Michel de Boer(博恩)


Michel de Boer (1954-2021)

我院设计实践教授,王敏博恩工作室联合创始人,专业领衔教授Michel de Boer于2021年12月22日因病离世,享年67岁。

Michel于1989年成为登贝设计(Studio Dumbar)的创意管理合伙人,2011年创立MdB Associates,2012年加入德稻集团,2014年与王敏教授联合创办王敏博恩工作室,并于上海视觉艺术学院开办视觉传达(品牌、识别与公共空间)专业大师实验班。他是国际平面设计联盟(AGI)、荷兰设计师协会、英国设计师与艺术指导协会(D&AD)等专业组织的会员。曾在同济大学、鹿特丹威廉德库宁学院、意大利威尼斯建筑大学、意大利乌尔比诺ISIA大学进行授课或担任顾问。 


我们将于2022年1月5日北京时间15:00在王敏博恩工作室举办追思会,纪念我们的导师、朋友、伙伴——Michel de Boer。出于疫情防护考虑,非在校的设计师、老师和学生,请使用zoom平台在线参加追思会(会议 ID:829-9981-2504 )。





Michel de Boer, co-founder of De Boer Wang Studio and a leading professor, passed away at the age of 67 on Wednesday, December 22, 2021. 
Michel de Boer became creative managing partner at Studio Dumbar in 1989. In 2011, he founded MdB Associates, a design company. He joined DeTao in 2012; two years after that, he co-founded De Boer Wang Studio with professor Min Wang, and they established SIVA·DeTao Advanced Class of Visual Communication (Branding, Identity and Public Space) at SIVA (Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts). 
He was a member of Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI), BNO the Netherlands (Association of Dutch Designers), British Design & Art Direction (D&AD) and many other professional organizations. He lectured or held advisory roles at Tongji University, Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, Instituto Universitario Architettura in Venice and ISIA University in Urbino, Italy.
In over 40 years of design career, Michel de Boer provided his expertise in branding and design for clients including European Central Bank, Shell, Apple, Buick, General Motors China, Allianz, Nike, Arton, and the governments of the Netherlands, South Korea and Hong Kong, China. Since the 1990s, Michel had judged many international professional competitions and awards, taught at universities and presided over major design events. His work and passion have inspired many young practitioners and contributed enormously to the public awareness and understanding of the design industry.
We will hold a memorial service at 15:00 (Beijing time) on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, at De Boer Wang Studio to mourn for Michel de Boer, our great tutor, friend and partner. Given the current strict COVID-19 regulations, guests who are not currently working or studying in the SIVA campus may join us via Zoom (Meeting ID: 829-9981-2541).
Michel will be forever in our hearts.

De Boer Wang Studio
December 24, 2021


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数字媒体艺术 新媒体艺术 创意管理合伙人 实践教授 沉痛悼念

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