The only competition in your life: 100 years of "Towards New Architecture", the first collection of architectural ideas in the world.Corbusier has released "5 points of new architecture" for a century.can our generation put forward new 5 points?GREAT 100 YEARS OF CORBUSIER
从1920年起,勒·柯布西埃在其主编的《新精神》杂志上连续发表论文,提倡建筑的革新,走平民化、工业化、功能化的道路,提倡相应的新的建筑美学。Since 1920, Le Corbusier has continuously published papers in the magazine “new spirit” edited by him, advocating architectural innovation, taking the road of popularization, industrialization and functionalization, and advocating corresponding new architectural aesthetics. 柯布将这些论文汇集为《走向新建筑》并于1923年正式出版,宣告现代主义建筑的诞生。Corbusier collected these papers into "towards a new architecture", which was officially published in 1923, announcing the birth of Modernist Architecture.在其后1928年萨伏伊别墅的设计中,柯布展现了现代主义著名的标志——新建筑5点。In the design of the villa Savoye in 1928, Corbusier showed the famous symbol of Modernism - 5 points of new architecture.1.Pilotis – The replacement of supporting walls by a grid of reinforced concrete columns that bears the structural load is the basis of the new aesthetic.2.The free designing of the ground plan – The absence of supporting walls—means the house is unrestrained in its internal use.3.The free design of the façade – By separating the exterior of the building from its structural function the façade becomes free.4.The horizontal window – The façade can be cut along its entire length to allow rooms to be lit equally.5.Roof gardens – The flat roof can be utilized for a domestic purpose while also providing essential protection to the concrete roof.100年以来,全球建筑仍然延续着柯布所开创的“新建筑5点”在前行。在现代主义建筑之后,又分别诞生了后现代主义、解构主义等诸多流派,但至今没有任何思想能取代“新建筑5点”的主导地位。Over the past 100 years, global architecture has continued the "5 points of new architecture" created by Corbusier. After modernist architecture, postmodernism and deconstruction were born respectively, but so far there is no idea can replace the dominant position of "5 points of new architecture".
在刚刚过去的新世纪前20年中,互联网席卷全球,信息革命深刻的影响了各行各业。In the first 20 years of the new century, the Internet swept the world, and the information revolution had a profound impact on all walks of life.Maybe it's time for another architectural revolution!让我们致敬柯布,一起来书写属于21世纪未来城市的“新建筑5点”2.0版吧。What innovative proposals do you have for future architecture in the next century?Let's pay tribute to Corbusier and write version 2.0 of "5 points of new architecture" belonging to the future city of the 21st century.顺便解释一下,为什么我们要说这是每位建筑师“一生唯一机会”呢?By the way, why do we say that this is the "only chance in a lifetime" for every architect?Because we decided to hold this event every 100 years...TOWARDS NEW ARCHITECTURE II COMPETITION阐述自己提议关于未来建筑的“新建筑5点”(具体提出1-5点不限,以建筑空间形态为主,不包含已达成共识的非空间类发展方向如智能建筑、绿色建筑、低碳建筑),解释提议点的涵义、应用场景、相关案例、视觉效果、社会效益、创新性、经济性等。每个提议点的文本不少于100字,配图不少于1幅,文件格式为doc及pdf。用于现场或线上演讲,表达上述“理念阐释文本”的理念、应用和效果,运用幻灯片演示手段有效与观众进行交流。PPT不少于5页,不多于30页,文件格式为ppt。1. Conceptual interpretation textExplain the "5 points of new architecture " (1-5 points are not limited, mainly in the form of architectural space, excluding the agreed non spatial development directions such as intelligent buildings, green buildings and low-carbon buildings), and explain the meaning, application scenarios, relevant cases, visual effects, social benefits, innovation and economy of the proposed points. The text of each proposed point shall not be less than 100 words, with no less than 1 picture, and the file format shall be doc and pdf.Used for live or online speeches to express the concept, application and effect of the above-mentioned "ideal interpretation text", and use slide presentation methods to effectively communicate with the audience. The PPT is no less than 5 pages and no more than 30 pages, and the file format is ppt.以A1尺寸排版,用于呈现和表达“理念阐释文本”的理念、应用和效果,包含但不限于体现该理念的成品建筑外观、室内、鸟瞰照片或未建建筑方案效果图、平立面图、手绘草图、三维概念图,以及相应的说明文字、图表、思维导图等。图板文件不多于3幅,jpg图片格式。体现“理念阐释文本”的理念、应用和效果,包含但不限于体现该理念的成品建筑实拍视频或建筑方案动画视频。时间不长于3分钟,至少包含mp4视频格式。Typesetting in A1 size, used to present and express the concept, application and effect of the "ideal interpretation text", including but not limited to the finished building exterior, interior, bird's-eye photos or unbuilt architectural plan renderings and elevations that embody the concept, Hand-drawn sketches, 3D concept maps, and corresponding explanatory texts, diagrams, mind maps, etc. There are no more than 3 drawing board files, in jpg format.Reflect the concept, application and effect of the "ideal interpretation text", including but not limited to the finished building real shot video or architectural plan animation video that embodies the concept. The time is no longer than 3 minutes, at least including the mp4 video format.2、相同或非常近似的“点”标题文本,以先收到者为准。3、每位参赛者提交文本不超过5点,每点均有获奖机会。1. At least include the Chinese or English version.2. The same or very close "point" title text, whichever is received first.3. Each participant submits no more than 5 points of text, and each point has the opportunity to win a prize.4. All bonuses are pre-tax.5. If there is any subsequent amendment to this announcement, the announcement on the ABBS official website shall prevail.作品提交:2021年12月18日-2022年4月30日作品评审:2022年5月1日-2022年6月18日Submission: December 18, 2021 - April 30, 2022Review: May 1, 2022 - June 18, 20221st prize: 5 points, Go down in History2nd prize: 10 points, ¥5000/pointPrize in Help Chain: >10, Share up to ¥10000Sponsored by OMG and Silkroad Visual将参赛必选文件(理念阐释文本、演示PPT)及可选文件(如果有的话)发往官方邮箱 411598075@qq.com 和 gao@abbs.com,邮件标题“Next100 New5”,并附姓名、单位、联系方式。
Send the required documents (concept interpretation text, presentation PPT) and optional documents (if any) and your name, organization, contact information to 411598075@qq.comand gao@abbs.com with the title "Next100 New5".VII 传播奖励 Rewards for share除了邮件提交,每人还可以在下面微信“帮助链”小程序中提交自己的回答,也可以转发分享给其他人,其他人再转发给更多人,形成“帮助链”。竞赛结束的时候,只要你所在的链上有人入选获奖,整条链的分享者都将分享奖金。
如果你时间紧缺,那么仅仅提交1个点、1张图也是可以的哦。以下是ABBS官方提供的21世纪“新建筑5点”样板参赛文本:在每层等高线“大地”层上设置各种功能单元,形成镂空穿透、变化无穷的外立面和空间形态。在空中大地上设置溪流、湖泊、瀑布、树林、草地、沙滩、洞穴,以缓坡绿地连接上下层。形成立体穿插的新自然,200%绿化率才叫公园城市。3:漫山庭院 Courtyard all over the hill在层叠的空中大地之山上,每户自主选择定制设计的独立住宅。以高层住宅的容积率、便利性兼顾院落居住体验。让中国人都有机会住“独院”大house。建筑的外表面对居民开放,可以散步、停留和玩耍,并且每片空中大地彼此相连。纵向看,空中大地每层平面大量空缺留白,贯通阳光、气流、水流和人流。横向看,每层实体立面占用不到50%,空气、光照和视线也是畅通无阻。分形(Fractal),以非整数维形式充填空间的形态特征,表现为对象在不同尺度的自相似。例如树与树叶。分形城市(Fractal City)建筑理论,由ABBS创始人之一的tears于1998年建立。提出“大城市病”是由于城市从2D分形进化到3D分形的过程中,丢失了不同高度的横向联系,交通聚集于地面,城市停留在2.5D分形阶段,导致人、物、气流动不畅的后果。具体的解决方案,就是以“空中大地”为核心的21世纪ABBS“新建筑5点”。每个家庭都有独立式住宅的梦想,又叫“别墅梦”。空间自由,功能充裕,私有花园甚至泳池。而中国的建设用地有限,显然无法满足主流大众实现这个梦想。并且别墅本身也不具备高层建筑那样良好的视野、通风、采光,以及生活配套服务的便利性。有没有两全其美的办法,既能高瞻远瞩,又能自由设计?既能方便生活,又能独立空间?既保持容积率,又保证舒适性?把建设统一的高层住宅,改为先建设间隔9米左右的等高线结构层“大地”,业主再在结构层上选购属于自己的独立别墅。随着国民收入的增长提高,逐步圆了每个家庭的“别墅梦”。在土地一点都不浪费的前提下,让中国人也住大house!在地铁大建设完成后,城市传统基建的施展空间也已经不多。而中国面临14亿人向20个超级城市圈集中的转型期。超大城市的人口增量不会全部拥挤到高密度的传统住宅,而会有相当部分的家庭升级换代到空中大地空中别墅。这将是未来50年国内GDP增长的主要拖动力之一。也将成为中国新的支柱产业之一,向全球输出。习总书记提出建设“公园城市”的概念,就是让人民居住与工作都能处于更好的环境。中国各大城市地平面的面积有限,终究难以都达到这样的理想。而在全面生态化的空中大地上,溪流、湖泊、瀑布、树林、草地、沙滩,都将推门可见,触手可及,小区绿化率到达200%以上。立体化景观的丰富性、参与度、娱乐性,更是传统公园所不能比拟的。公园城市将真正走近千家万户。在空中大地内部,横向、纵向、斜向的交通密布,各片空中大地之间,有天桥、廊道、传送带、缆车、索道、电梯、扶梯、滑梯连接,大大降低地面交通的需求,同时获得立体的景观和穿越体验。在传统的4个立面以及第5立面(顶面)之外,获得“第6立面”(4D流动立面)的穿插视觉感观。对于每个住户来说,也再也不用为了等电梯而花费大量时间。回家的路程都是在风景区里漫步。现有高层建筑围合在封闭的外墙内,缺乏足够的避难层,消防车设备也很难抵达高层。垂直楼梯与电梯,在使用中很难做到防火密闭,导致火灾发生后形成烟囱效应,几分钟内可以烧遍数十楼层。空中大地大面积架空,交通空间完全裸露于室外,空地上密布水体,都大幅度减少了火灾快速传播的可能。而消防车甚至能直接开到每一层空中大地,杜绝了救援死角。最近有朋友问我们:为什么没有及时看到推文?因为微信改了推送规则,没有点『赞』或『在看』、没有把我们『星标』,都有可能出现这种状况。加『星标』,不迷路!重要的事情说三遍!不想错过精彩推文,看完文章顺手点『赞』或『在看』,把ABBS设为『星标』,就可以每天准时与我们见面了。
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