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- 陶溪川·景德镇国际工作室线上讲座|Christiane Toewe: 平衡现在、过去与未来
原创 2021-12-06
Taoxichuan Online Master Lecture
Christiane Toewe:
Balance —— in the Context of Society
Lecture date
2021年12月8日(星期三),北京时间 20:00
Wed., 20:00 (UTC+8), Dec. 8, 2021
English, Mandarin (Consecutive Interpretation)
The lecture is free and open to the public.
第62届奥斯卡金像奖 最佳动画短片《平衡》
Picture from the animated short film Balance (1989)
In the air, there is a quadrilateral flat board with 5 people standing on it. The center of the board is an invisible fulcrum. In order to balance, the 5 people must find a suitable position.And the mysterious wooden box that appeared suddenly broke the fragile balance--It sparked a struggle among people.The German animated short film Balance tells such a story.
Traffic,room installation,
Video with sound on china, approx 200 x 60 x 120 cm,2018
Balance provokes individuals to think about their own situation: since the efficiency of communication and transportation has greatly increased, people's pace of life has accelerated and their lifestyles have changed drastically. While enjoying the convenience of technology, people's lives are also affected by various uncertainties. People's current state of life might be challenged at any time. Just like the character in the short film who are trying to maintain balance, they are always on guard against the scales tipping. In the context of society, how can people deal with the situation?
Amoeba, Wall installation,
porcelain, wood, infrared, LED technology, 2019
陶溪川·景德镇国际工作室本期邀请到德国上弗兰肯地区职业造型艺术协会第一任主席,知名艺术家 Christiane Toewe,于2021年12月8日,周三晚8点,在“陶溪川国际教育—国际云讲座”平台带来主题为《平衡现在、过去与未来》的讲座。
Taoxichuan·Jingdezhen International Studio is very honored to invite 1st Chair of the Professional Association of Visual Artists Upper Franconia eV, artist Christiane Toewe to give a lecture “Balance —— in the context of society”. The lecture will be held on Wednesday at 20:00(UTC+8), December 8th, at Taoxichuan International Education Program—Master Online Lecture.
Cells, room installation
porcelain bowl, celadon glaze, twisted ø approx. 100cm
eggshell porcelain, ox-blood glaze, 1340 ° C, water, 2020
讲座中,Christiane 将通过展示她光与影,实与虚相结合的装置艺术作品,传达她在融合光与瓷的创作过程中,迸发的关于平衡的哲思。同时,Christiane 将阐述作品背后的故事,介绍作品与社会、政治议题的深刻联系。
In the lecture, Christiane will use her indoor installations that express the beauty of light and shadow, reality and imaginary, to convey the artist's creative philosophy about the balance that bursts out from porcelain and lighting. At the same time, she would like to show how her works develop great power in political and social themes with the use of porcelain and light techniques.
Christiane Toewe
Independent Artist
1st Chair of the Professional Association of Visual Artists Upper Franconia eV
链与鱼, Fish'n ZIP
Porcelain and light are my working materials.
—— Christiane Toewe
瓷这一介质,使 Christiane 深深着迷的是其中蕴藏的巨大审美潜力:介于透明与不透明之间的张力、易碎但质地坚硬以及微妙的白色质感。Christiane 运用光,强化了材料质感。通过瓷和光这两种元素的结合,她成功地将当代艺术的社会性议题形象化。
Porcelain, which holds this enormous aesthetic potential, with the tension between opacity and transparency, the firmness and strength despite the fragility, the nuances of white, all this fascinates Christiane and she intensifies the effect of the material through light. With porcelain and light, she succeeds in visualizing socially relevant themes in contemporary art.
低语瓶 ,室内装置
Whispering Bottles, room installation,
wood, foam, programmed LED technology, porcelain, microphones, 2015
雕塑装置与空间形成的平衡感是 Christiane 作品的一大特点。她的装置展现的不仅是陶瓷雕塑这一实体,也囊括了装置所在的整个空间。Christiane 精心设计灯光的亮度与发光时间,追求光与影恒久的美丽。
A major feature of Christiane's work is the balance between sculpture and space. Her installation not only shows the actual object of the sculpture, but also encompasses the entire space. Christiane carefully designs the brightness and luminous time of the light, pursuing the eternal beauty between light and shadow.
The luminous objects disappear in their own light and overcome the limits of materiality. The shadows and light reflections that the objects cast on the wall, the interaction between sculpture and space, reinforce this impression even more.
—— Christiane Toewe
Feel the Rain, room installation,
50 porcelain drops, fishing line, sand 300 x 150 x 300 cm, 2019
除了光与瓷、雕塑与环境之间的平衡,Christiane 还密切关注人类与自然间的平衡。她认为,这关乎着我们生活的一切,多一分或少一分都会破坏它。生态平衡的脆弱性,需要我们提高警惕。“更快、更高、更强”或许可以说是人类进步的格言,但也可能会成为日后灾难的诱因。人类需要在发展经济与保护自然间摸索出一个平衡点。
In addition to the balance between porcelain and light and the balance between sculpture and the environment, Christiane also pays close attention to the balance between humans and nature. She think, it's all about balance. Too little is not good, too much does not feel right either. The fragility of the ecological balance requires us to be more vigilant. Striving further, higher, faster can be a motor for development, but also it can destroy. There is a goal to find the balance between economic development and natural environment conservation.
保重 Take Care, since 2010
撰文、编辑、翻译: 杨俊烨
审核:詹佑铭 王章璋 木子旋 陈可卡
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Taoxichuan Online Master Program
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