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First Look: Super Fusion—2021 Chengdu Biennale

原创 2021-11-06

Super Fusion—2021 Chengdu Biennale


"Super Fusion—2021 Chengdu Biennale" will officially open to the public from 7th November 2021, which will feature works from 272 artists or artistic groups both at home and abroad.


Based on the completion of two new museums, namely, Chengdu Tianfu Art Museum and Chengdu Museum of Contemporary Art, the themed exhibition of this Biennale will be presented in Tianfu Art Park, with 8 sections focusing on the significant topics in this era. Besides, 17 parallel exhibitions will be launched around the whole city at the same time. 


Trailer of "Super Fusion: 2021 Chengdu Biennale"

Courtesy of the organizer.


A biennale is one of the most influential forms of international art exhibition and is an opportunity to present the spirit of the city in which it is hosted. As an international, cultural and academic event held on a large scale, it is an ideal platform for exchanging artistic ideas and displaying the latest achievements and innovations of art – both local and global. A large-scale, high-quality biennale of this sort is also an opportunity for the city in which it is hosted: to boost its economy, nurture its art and culture, develop its infrastructure and strengthen its ties with the international community.


Since its conception, the Chengdu Biennale has always sought to support and foster Chinese art with a view to exploring the cultural and historical context behind contemporary artistic production, presenting the current status of Chinese art, and helping Chinese artworks attain international status among the artistic community and society more broadly. However, with the arrival of the new era, the Chengdu Biennale has taken on a new mission.


View of the Newly Completed Museums—Chengdu Tianfu Art Museum and Chengdu Museum of Contemporary Art

Image Courtesy of Chengdu City Construction Investment & Management Group Co., Ltd.


Themed Exhibition|主题展

As a vast artistic event, the Biennale consists of eight themed exhibitions and one international conference of gallery directors, which are entitled "Polymorphic Co-Existence", "Urban Co-Habitation", "Technological Co-Respondence", "Zeitgeist Co-Evolution", "Ecological Co-Development", "Craft Co-Operation", "Ethnic Co-Creation", "Artistic Co-Inspiration" and "Future Co-Conception". The Biennale will feature works from 272 artists or artistic groups. 


Fan Di'an|范迪安

Chief Curator of "Super Fusion—2021 Chengdu Biennale", the President of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, the Chairman of China Artists Association



Lu Peng|吕澎


Qiu Zhijie|邱志杰


Zhang Zikang|张子康


Wang Chunchen|王春辰


Ji Shaofeng|冀少峰


Yang Wei|杨卫


FANG Zhenning|方振宁


Han Tao|韩涛


Wu Hongliang|吴洪亮


Wang Shaoqiang|王绍强


He Guiyan|何桂彦


Jeffery Shaw|邵志飞


Ji Yujie|纪玉洁


Zhou Bo|周博


Xue Jiang|薛江


Jia Yunbo|贾蕴博


Li Keke|李珂珂

Curatorial Team of  "Super Fusion2021 Chengdu Biennale"


Exhibition View of  "Super Fusion2021 Chengdu Biennale"

Photo by Juri Liu ©️ CAFA ART INFO


摄影:刘居睿 ©️ 艺讯网

Parallel Exhibitions|平行展

Besides the 8 sections developed to elaborate the theme “Super Fusion” this year, it is also notable to explore the 17 parallel exhibitions around Chengdu, which have been gradually launched from 2nd November 2021. 


* 根据疫情防疫政策,展览计划可能会相应调整,详情请参考各展览主办方资讯发布。

The Guide Map of 2021 Chengdu Biennale


View of Parallel Exhibitions of 2021 Chengdu Biennale


Reservation Notice|预约渠道及须知

For the purpose of orderly visit and related requirements for pandemic prevention and control, real-name appointments are obligatory and spectators should stagger their visit to the Biannale. Please make an appointment at least one day in advance with your identity card or other valid credentials on the official WeChat account of “Chengdu Art Museum”.

* 为保障观展秩序、落实疫情防控要求,实行实名预约、错峰限流观展。请至少提前一天在“成都市美术馆”官方微信公众号,用实名和身份证号或其他有效证件号进行预约,儿童请用户口簿上的身份证号进行预约。


Reserve a place on the official WeChat account of “Chengdu Art Museum”


The number of visitors to the Biennale is limited to 20000 per day, as soon as there are confirmed COVID-19 patients and medium-risk areas in Chendu, the number is reduced to 2000 per day; while there are no confirmed COVID-19 patients but there are medium/high-risk areas in the country, the number is limited to 10000 per day, the reservation will be closed until it is full. 

* 每日接待观展人数20000人,成都市有本地疫情和中风险区期间观展人数限2000人/天,成都市无本地疫情全域为低风险区但全国范围有中高风险区期间,观展人数限10000人,预约满额为止。

* Please note that a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours is required and you need to prepare it before you visit the Biennale while there are confirmed COVID-19 patients and medium-risk areas in Chengdu.

* 成都市有本地疫情和中风险区期间预约观展,请您准备好48小时内的核酸检测阴性证明。

* Each ID card can be used to make an appointment once a day for the Biennale. Please fill in the information accurately for the appointment, or it will be rejected. On-site appointments will not be accepted while there are confirmed COVID-19 patients and medium-risk areas in Chengdu.

* 每张身份证每天可预约参观1次,请如实填写预约信息,若参观者与预约信息不一致,谢绝入馆。请合理选择预约时段,疫情期间暂不接受现场预约。

Edited by Sue and Emily.

Courtesy of the Organizer. 

Click "Read More" for more information. 

Further reports will be presented soon. 

About the Exhibition|关于展览


Super Fusion—2021 Chengdu Biennale

日期/Dates: 2021.11.06—2022.04.06

地点/Venue: 成都天府艺术公园/Chengdu Tianfu Art Park













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为使真正的艺术爱好者能够有机会深入了解展览、作品、艺术家及背后的故事,CAFA艺讯网启动全新项目「TRAVEL WITH ART」,联合众多著名策展人、艺术家、设计师、建筑师、人文学者等一同为大家呈现多元的线上&线下艺术活动!


For genuine art lovers who would like to know more about exhibitions, artworks, artists as well as stories behind them, CAFA ART INFO initiates a brand new project to invite you to visit exhibitions.









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