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学生活动 | 参观展览《设计的价值在中国》

原创 2021-11-09

Students' field trip - Values of Design: China in the Making


    2021年10月20日,南方科技大学创新创意设计学院下称(“设计学院”)组织带领学院学生前往海上世界文化艺术中心的V&A展馆,参观展览《设计的价值在中国》。设计学院院长关道文(Thomas Kvan)教授、何净值(Christiane M. Herr)教授、费道闻(Thomas Fischer)教授、罗涛教授与21名学生参与了本次活动。

    On October 20th, 2021 (Wed), the SUSTech School of Design organized a field trip to exhibition of "Values of Design: China in the Making" at the V&A Gallery of the Sea World Culture and Arts Center Shenzhen. Prof. Thomas Kvan, Prof. Christiane M. Herr, Prof. Thomas Fischer, Prof. Neo Luo and 21 students joined the trip.


    The exhibition Values of Design: China in the Making explores the growing field of design in China, and how changing and evolving values are shaping what we design, produce and consume. The exhibition follows an earlier exhibition titled Values of Design, which was produced by the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) in collaboration with Design Society for the opening of the Sea World Culture and Arts Center in 2017.


Prof. Christiane M. Herr discussing design values in the exhibition tour. Photo by Maggie Zheng.



    During the field trip, Prof. Christiane M. Herr introduced four selected aspects of design values with the students - Inclusive Design, Identity & Consumption, Environmental Challenges, and connection with Culture & Materials. She reminded students that design is not removed from daily life. From tactile watches for the blind to Shenzhen’s iconic public school uniforms, "good design is everywhere around us".


Ms. Zhao Rong, Curator of the exhibition and Deputy Director of the Design Society,discussing with students. Photo by Sophia Xiao.


    Ms. Zhao Rong, Curator of Values of Design: China in the Making and Deputy Director of the Design Society, provided students with additional background on how the exhibition was curated and the curatorial intentions to both introduce the discipline of design to the broader public and give impulses to the development of local design initiatives in the context of Shenzhen’s vibrant technology and innovation industry. Values of Design: China in the Making offers a view beyond the object by emphasizing the invisible motivations and processes that shape design decision making and eventually lead to tangible design products.


Prof. Thomas Kvan, Dean of the School of Design, discussing with students. Photo by Maggie Zheng.



    The Sea World Culture and Arts Center itself is a milestone of design in Shenzhen. Dean Thomas Kvan invited students to explore the building, designed by Pritzker Prize winning architect Fumihiko Maki in terms of its spatial design. The Sea World Culture and Arts Center was designed as the first cultural facility within the Sea World’s comprehensive office, retail and residential development housing high level contemporary art and culture for Shenzhen and greater China.


Group photo at the end of the tour. Photo by Maggie Zheng.



    With a field trip only offering limited time to explore the many exhibitions on show, Prof. Christiane M. Herr encouraged students to return regularly to explore exhibitions organized by the Design Society. The School of Design is looking forward to close collaborations with the Design Society in the future.

文字| 何净植、肖菲

图片| 何净植、肖菲

翻译| 张文康

审核| 李旭

Written by | Christiane M. Herr and Sophia Xiao

Photos by | Christiane M. Herr and Sophia Xiao

Translated by | Jason Zhang

Reviewed by | Xu Li


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