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- ShowTex | 华伦天奴 「再诠释」 首站上海 Valentino’s Re-Signify Pt.1
Valentino Garavani presents his latest collection in an unforgettable way, as immersive projection screens display stunning pieces of art.
Let immersive projections guide you
Colourful artworks and unique images displayed onto multiple retro projection screens shape this art exhibition into a captivating and instagrammable event. With Re-Signify, designer Valentino presents his latest clothing line. A compelling experience, as the immersive projections draw your attention from every corner of the venue. The broad viewing angles of the screens allow high-quality graphics from wherever you are standing. A great way to guide all visitors through this interactive brand experience.
Partition fabrics that leave you wondering
Loose weave muslin pieces serve as the perfect creative partitions. By only giving away the silhouettes of the presented pieces of clothing, the translucent fabrics stir the visitor’s curiosity like no other.
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