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原创 2021-04-23


Since Sep 25th, 2020, Nike launched the event of “All Heros Come out”in HuaiHai Store, the event is jointly collaborated with LPL. Wonderlabs is very honored to be invited to design and produce the 3 interactive installations for the store. 


In this event, the 3 interactive mini games we designed and produced are all related to professional e-sports players. Through the three challenge games of reaction speed, memory cognition and physical agility, consumers can fully experience the daily training of professional e-sports players. 


The whole game is divided into 3 levels. First, the experiencer needs to complete the game tutorial and react quickly within 30s. Use the finger to click to get the corresponding score. The faster the reaction speed, the higher the score.


The whole game is still divided into 3 levels. The experiencer needs to quickly memorize and use finger taps to get the corresponding score within 30s. The faster the memory and reaction speed, the higher the score.


In this game, we developed 15 training induction light matrixes. Each light will be randomly lit during the game. The experiencer needs to react quickly and touch and turn off the light to get points. The higher the physical coordination, the higher the score.


After the experience is over, the total of the three game scores will be calculated and ranked based on the scores. At the same time, various physical ability data generated and analyzed through the experience of the game can be obtained through the exclusive mini program.

Client: NIKE


团队介绍 / Team introduction:

Account Director: Allen Ren

R&D Director:Matthew Deblock

Project Manager: Eason Zhang

Software Engineer: Yawei Chen,Ruiling MA,Zhixuan Li

UX&UI Designer: Elaine Song

Project Executive: Fangmin Chen



- END -

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