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全息光场显示专家Looking Glass Factory今天发布了Looking Glass Portrait,这是该公司首款专门为人物和角色设计的“人像导向” 3D显示器。与过去的Looking Glass设备(例如Looking Glass 15.6和Looking Glass 8K)不同,Looking Glass Portrait是首款面向个人使用的3D显示器,它提供了一种便携式,易于使用的全息解决方案,有可能一天内取代传统图片帧。

Holographic light field display experts Looking Glass Factory today unveiled the Looking Glass Portrait, the companies first “portrait-orientated” 3D display designed specifically for people and characters. Unlike past Looking Glass devices, such as the Looking Glass 15.6 and Looking Glass 8K, the Looking Glass Portrait is the first 3D display aimed for personal use, offering a portable, easy-to-use holographic solution that could one day replace the conventional picture frame.



Featuring a generous 7.9” holographic light field display powered by new-and-improved optics, the Portrait is capable of delivering up to 100 perspectives of a 3D image/video without the need of additional headgear or 3D glasses, allowing multiple people to view a single hologram at the same time.

Arguably one of the biggest improvements is the new Standalone Mode, which allows you to view 3D content at 60fps without the need of a tethered PC or Mac thanks to built-in computing and holographic software stack. All you have to do is connect the device to power via a standard USB-C cable. You can still connect the 3D display to an external computer in order to run more demanding content.

与所有的Looking Glass显示器一样,​​Portrait可以与公司的插件兼容,包括HoloPlay Studio,这是一个新应用程序,可让您上载,编辑和共享多达1,000条3D内容,包括但不限于所捕获的全息照片通过iPhone X,11和12;动画3D角色;以及其他各种沉浸式媒体。借助Azure Kinect和Intel RealSense的强大功能,您甚至可以录制3D视频消息并将其发送给其他Looking Glass所有者,这使我们更接近“星球大战”世界。

Like all Looking Glass displays, the Portrait is compatible with the companies plugins, including HoloPlay Studio, a new app which allows you to upload, edit, and share up to 1,000 pieces of 3D content, including—but not limited to—holographic photographs captured via the iPhone X, 11, and 12; animated 3D characters; and various other immersive media. You can even record 3D video messages and send them to other Looking Glass owners thanks to the power of Azure Kinect and Intel RealSense, bringing us one step closer to the world of Star Wars.

窥镜人像还支持流行的创意软件,例如Autodesk,Blender,Maya,Unity和Unreal Engine。

The Looking Glass Portrait also features support for popular creative software such as Autodesk, Blender, Maya, Unity, and Unreal Engine.

“ Looking Glass Factory”首席执行官Shawn Frayne表示:“从小我就梦想着能够拥有自己的全息照相显示器。” “我想像要向某人发送全息生日消息,或向我曾曾曾曾曾曾孙女的全息图打招呼。我们位于布鲁克林和香港的团队经过六年的努力,使《 Looking Glass Portrait》成为现实,使梦想成真比以往任何时候都更多。

“Ever since I was a little kid, I dreamed of the moment that I’d be able to have a holographic display of my own,” said Shawn Frayne, CEO of Looking Glass Factory. “I imagined what it would be like to send someone a holographic birthday message, or to say hello as a hologram to my great-great-great granddaughter. Looking Glass Portrait, the culmination of six years of work by our Brooklyn and Hong Kong based team, makes those dreams real for more people than ever before.”

Looking Glass Portrait目前可在Kickstarter上预订,首批产品预计于2021年1月发货。该设备将在头两天以200美元的折扣价出售,此后将恢复为349美元的永久价格。


Looking Glass Portrait is currently available for pre-order on Kickstarter with the first batch expected to ship January 2021. The device will be available at a discounted rate of $200 the first two days, after which it will revert to a permanent price of $349.

For more information visit look.glass/portrait.

图片来源:Looking Glass Factory

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