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进博会米其林互动 | 赢赞原创互动



CIIE Michelin Interaction



Did you have a chance to visit this year CIIE?


From November 5th to 10th, 2020, another year of CIIE ended successfully.  This year is undoubtedly a remarkable achievements as compare with previous years. Against the Covid-19 epidemic, the complete success of 3rd China International Import Expo held in Shanghai fully demonstrated the strength of China and how unite we are as a Chinese people. 

此次赢赞非常荣幸的参与了本次MICHELIN进博会多媒体互动的策划与执行。同时非常感谢我们的leading agency Auditoire.

It is our greatest honor to participate in the planning and final implementation of MICHELIN Booth's multimedia interaction. Greatest thanks to our leading agency Auditoire.


Joyful Lobby地面屏感应互动

Interactive Floor Screen


Michelin booth will first tour you with a pleasant [Joyful Lobby] tour. The interactive area is composed of multiple floor screens, it will react based on every steps on it. The screen presents a vast universe + seven floating stars by default, prompting the guest to step on it. When the guest steps on certain star, it will gradually disappears, presenting Michelin's animated journey. They can visually learn more about Michelin through the fun and intriguing multimedia interaction.



Intelligent Multi-screen Interaction

接下来便来到了【万联智行】的互动区域,巨大的工艺艺术装置引人注目,该互动采用iPad与墙面进行双屏互动,将米其林的MEMS4、Track Connected、Smart Connected Tire等6大系统通过体验者自主点击iPad,图文并茂的方式向体验者演示6大系统的功能。

At the next station, they will discover another interactive area of [Smarter Mobility], an eye catching huge art installation. This interaction uses iPad to interact with a wall screen, combining Michelin’s MEMS4, Track Connected, Smart Connected Tire and other 6 major systems. By tapping on the iPad, the functions of the six major systems shall be demonstrated to the guest via pictures and texts.



Interactive Touch Wall


The upcoming station will be the [Greener] area. This interactive area shows the process of Michelin tires from manufacturing, application and finally recycle into production materials via visual animation and sound effects. The most novelty part is the interactive method, guest may touch on the designated interactive point on the wall to trigger respective animation content projects onto it. It has been a huge attraction intrigued waves of guests to experience the novelty of multimedia and convey story line based  Michelin green cycle concept to the guest in a better way.



Michelin H5


Due to the impact of Covid 19 epidemic this year, and considering many visitors might not make it to the CIIE, we had prepared a cloud review exhibition to solve this problem. Guest can use the Michelin H5 to browse through the Michelin booth as if they were there. Meanwhile, H5 also contain a questionnaire survey , live broadcast, time schedule and other functions, allowing everyone to participate in our interactive games while enjoying the exhibition journey online, and being aware of Michelin Booth’s real time daily event schedule.


This multimedia interactive design adds a touch of novelty to the entire Michelin booth. Through intelligent interaction, both on-site and online guest can understand and become familiar with the Michelin brand.


(Here is the video review:)


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第三届中国国际进口博 多媒体互动

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