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ShowTex | 勃鲁盖尔艺术展 Beyond Bruegel

原创 2020-02-25

本文来自于微信公众号: ShowTex


Brussels, Belgium


Step into the art of Pieter Bruegel where the paintings come to life tpough projections. Looking at traditional art in a contemporary way!


Projected paintings come to life

假如您能成为著名画家彼得·勃鲁盖尔画作中的人物,站在Mad Meg军队旁边,或在巴别塔脚下乘船航行会有什么样的感受? 背投乳白幕 背投乳白幕上的投影在此展览盛宴中创造出魔力。走进满屋投影,沉浸在惊人的艺术体验中,超清晰的mapping动态画作改变了“体验艺术“!

What if you could be a character in a famous Pieter Bruegel painting and stand next to Mad Meg’s army or sail on a ship at the foot of the Tower of Babel? You can! Projections on RP Off White screens make the magic happen during this festive exhibition. Walk tpough room-sized projected paintings and pe into this amazing art experience. A combination of ultra-sharp video mapping and animated paintings will change ‘experiencing art’ forever!


Masking and finishing with black fabrics

为了遮蔽投影画作之间的空间创造最佳体验,弱光环境是其中关键。这就是 鹅绒 这就是德尔塔天鹅绒登场之处!超宽防皱舞台天鹅绒被安装在 H100 轨道 轨道上,充当不同展厅之间的幕帘,在欣赏宏伟艺术作品同时,创造出博物馆的完美气氛。

To mask the spaces between the projection screen paintings, black finishing is key. That's where Velours Delta steps to the stage! The extra-wide synthetic and wrinkle-resistant stage velvet is mounted on an H100 track and serves as a draught curtain between the different rooms. The perfect way to create a true museum feeling while admiring these magnificent artworks.

为了完成这次体验,整个场馆都使用了黑色阻燃 整个场馆都使用了黑色阻燃天幕布200 作为天花板。

To complete the experience, even the ceiling of the venue was carefully masked with black panels of flame-retardant Cyclo 200.


Create a next level projection surface

让我们更进一步创造全方位的沉浸感!设计成独特形状并安装在打印框中的 遮光布270, 接受了这一挑战。您知道这种黑色材料是完美的投影幕吗?也许不是你第一想到的,但要知道它可以百分百遮蔽光线,因此绝对应该算得上!

Let's take it even one step further and create an all-round immersive feeling! Blackout 270, designed in unique shapes and mounted in print frames, accepted this challenge. Did you know this blackout material is a perfect projection surface? Maybe not your top of mind projection fabric, but knowing it blocks out the light completely, it definitively should be!


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