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灵感源自电影《阿凡达》的奔驰概念车“VISION AVTR”

原创 2020-01-08

本文来自网站:designboom设计邦;原文标题:《avatar-inspired mercedes-benz VISION AVTR concept car lands at CES 2020》


拉斯维加斯生活:受电影系列化身及其潘多拉世界的启发,奔驰 VISION AVTR在2020年国际消费电子展上作为遥远未来的出行概念而亮相。VISION AVTR转化为“先进的车辆改造”,展示了人与机器,自然之间的新互动,并融合了外部,内部和用户体验。结果是与众不同的由内而外的设计,该设计还引用了原始电影中的几种生物。

live from las vegas: inspired by the film series avatar and its world of pandora, the mercedes-benz VISION AVTR reveals at CES 2020 as a concept for mobility in the distant future. translating to ‘advanced vehicle transformation’, the VISION AVTR showcases a new interaction between human, machine and nature, and does so by fusing its exterior, interior and user experience. the result distinguishes a distinctive inside-out design that also references several creatures from the original movie.

拉斯维加斯现场直播: designboom将从贸易展览现场涵盖 CES 2020(全球最大的消费技术展览会)的所有最新发布,其中包括梅赛德斯-奔驰VISION AVTR的全球首秀。随着技术的首次亮相,保持联系。

live from las vegas: designboom is covering all the latest launches of CES 2020 – the world’s largest consumer technology fair – from the trade show grounds, including the exclusive world premier of the mercedes-benz VISION AVTR. stay connected for the future of technology as it debuts.



梅赛德斯-奔驰VISION AVTR在拉斯维加斯大道上巡航,


the mercedes-benz VISION AVTR cruising down the las vegas strip 

all images courtesy of daimler

我现在生活中的主要事情是可持续性。我看着这辆车,我看到了未来。它不仅具有在实际生产的汽车中可以激发的所有奇妙事物的汽车未来,还是人类理想的未来。对于像梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-benz)这样的大型制造公司来说,做出这一承诺真是太棒了,我认为应该庆祝。当我看着这辆漂亮的汽车时,我看到了情感,精神观念的速度的物理体现。他们彰显和启发了灵感, ” 导演,编剧和化身制作人詹姆士·卡梅隆james cameron解释说,他们在CES 2020开幕式上为designboom设计

‘the main thing in my life right now is sustainability. I look at this vehicle and I see the future. it is not just the automotive future with all the wonderful things it could inspire in real production cars, but also an aspirational future for humans. for a major manufacturing company like mercedes-benz to make this commitment is awesome and I think it should be celebrated. when I look at this beautiful car, I see the physical manifestation of the velocity of an emotional, spiritual idea. they manifest and inspire,‘ explains james cameron, director, screenwriter and producer of avatar, to designboom at the CES 2020 launch.


 奔驰 VISION AVTR的车身装饰有银色涂层,非常类似于VISION EQS,其有机拉伸单弓设计。其独特的球形轮子(灵感来自化身的灵魂树的种子)体现了大自然的智慧,因为胎面和蓝色照明的轮辋臂融合在一起。这种形式有助于提高机动性,因为前后轴均可使汽车向侧面移动30度。从格栅到后方,人和信息能量都可以通过内部和外部的神经元可视化。它们结合在一起,形成33个仿生皮瓣 -让人联想到爬行动物的鳞片- 通过细微的手势与驾驶员,外界交流,反之亦然。

adorning a silver coating, the mercedes-benz VISION AVTR’s body greatly resembles the VISION EQS with its organic, stretched one-bow design. its unique, spherical-shaped wheels – inspired by the seeds of the tree of souls from avatar – embodies the intelligence of nature as treads and blue-illuminated rim arms merge together. the form aids manoeuvrability as, with both front and rear axles, the car can move sideways by 30 degrees. from the grille to the rear, human and information energy is visualized as neurons that flow across the interior and exterior. these unite at the back where 33 bionic flaps – reminiscent of reptile scales – communicate with the driver, the outside world and vice-versa through subtle gestures.



visually, the interior and exterior are connected via large oval openings but also outer lines that spiral through the cabin. the illuminated spirals carve generous loop structures that unite the front and rear seats, center console and the glass forms. the dashboard is replaced by the main projection area that flows into the center console, which resembles the tree of souls from the film. this comfortably encompasses the driver and passenger in their hammock leaf seats, and continues to connect to the rear bench.



the car behaves as if a symbiotic organism that reacts to passengers as soon as they board. when the driver places their hand on the multi-functional control element on the center console, human and machines becomes one. the vehicle recognizes them via his or her heartbeat and breathing – like the connection of all organisms in the world of pandora. although there are no visible buttons or switches, passengers can intuitively control the environment as a menu selection is projected onto the palm of their hand, when lifted. this creates a biometric connection, instead of a conventional steering wheel, whilst still ensuring the driver can select between autonomous, half autonomous where they control the speed, and full steering.



with nature as its main inspiration, the design offers a level of sustainability that matches its high technology. floral and softly woven elements of the interior contrast and create tension with dynamic contours and warm highlights, such as the rose gold accents. the seats are upholstered in vegan DINAMICA leather – made from recycled old clothing, flags and PET plastic bottles – and guarantees environmental sustainability throughout the entire production cycle. its flooring is decked with karuun wood, which grows extremely fast and is harvested by hand in indonesia.


尽管在遥远的未来,奔驰VISION AVTR仍将展示其“雄心2039”的创新成果,即到那年拥有碳中和的新型乘用车车队。最重要的是其有机电池技术由完全可堆肥和可回收的材料制成。这是由不含稀土和金属的基于石墨烯的有机电池化学产生的。为了提高性能,该电池通过自动导电充电技术提供了出色的快速充电能力,这意味着它可以在不到15分钟的时间内充满电。它还提供11kWh的容量和700公里以上的续航里程。这要归功于四台高性能,后轮驱动的电动机,总功率超过350 kW。

although for a distant future, the mercedes-benz VISION AVTR showcases innovations for its ‘ambition 2039’, which is to have a carbon-neutral new passenger car fleet by that year. the highlight is its organic battery technology that is made from completely compostable and recyclable materials. this is created by graphene-based organic cell chemistry that is free of rare earths and metals. for performance, the battery offers exceptional fast charging through automated conductive charging technology, meaning it can be fully recharged in less than 15 minutes. it also offers a capacity of 11kWh and a range of more than 700 km. this is thanks to four high-performance and rear-wheel-built electric motors with a combined power of more 350 kW.






image © designboom


image © designboom


image © designboom

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” Weltpremiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR //Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” World Premiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” Weltpremiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR //Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” World Premiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” Weltpremiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR //Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” World Premiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” Weltpremiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR //Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” World Premiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” Weltpremiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR //Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” World Premiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” Weltpremiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR //Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” World Premiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” Weltpremiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR //Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” World Premiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” Weltpremiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR //Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” World Premiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” Weltpremiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR //Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” World Premiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” Weltpremiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR //Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” World Premiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” Weltpremiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR //Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” World Premiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” Weltpremiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR //Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020Keynote: “Sustainable Modern Luxury – Next Chapter” World Premiere Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR

concept info:

brand: mercedes-benz


debut: CES 2020

dates: january 7-10

CES2020 奔驰概念车“VISION AVTR”发布会完整视频
Mercedes-Benz at the CES Las Vegas 2020


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新闻 大型展会 CES2020 VISION AVT 奔驰

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